Coronavirus: Only 1 person per household should do groceries

Coronavirus: Only 1 person per household should do groceries
Credit: Belga

Following the measures and advice to contain the further spread of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) in Belgium, only one person per household should go to the supermarket at a time.

According to the measures taken by Belgium's National Security Council, which are in force until at least 19 April, access to supermarkets is limited to 1 person per 10 square metres. People are only allowed inside for 30 minutes per client.

The Belgian Federation for Trade and Services, Comeos, has also called for one person per household to do groceries at a time. "Do your shopping alone. There are still a lot of people who do groceries as a family, but this has to stop," the federation told De Morgen. "The fewer people in a shop, the better for everyone. For your family, but also for other families," it added.

People who do not have somebody to watch their children while they do groceries, can take them with, reports Radio 2. However, it is important to keep them at least 1.5 metres from the other customers in the store.

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Additionally, supermarkets only let a limited number of people inside at the same time, and some chains oblige their clients to take a shopping cart, as it automatically guarantees the 1.5 metres distance from other clients.

The Federation also calls on people to pay by card, and even contactless, as much as possible. Test-Achats recommends bringing disinfectant gel with you and wiping off the cart before and after use, and to not touch anything you don't need to.

Most supermarkets also have a home-delivery system in place.

Maïthé Chini

The Brussels Times

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