Federal formation: De Wever expected at the Royal Palace tonight

Federal formation: De Wever expected at the Royal Palace tonight
N-VA leader Bart De Wever (right) and King Philippe. Credit: Belga/Nicolas Maeterlinck

The leader of the Flemish right-wing N-VA Bart De Wever, who is leading talks to form the Federal Government after his party's electoral win, is expected at the Royal Palace at 18:00 on Wednesday to report his progress in the negotiations to the King.

The King appointed Bart De Wever as federal 'formator' on 10 July. However, the actual talks only began on 16 July, when representatives of the N-VA, MR, Engagés, Vooruit and CD&V all agreed to enter into negotiations to form the Federal Government together.

"There is a great deal of work to be done," said Maxime Prévot, the leader of Francophone centrist Les Engagés, when he arrived at the first meeting.

Budget negotiations

The budgetary situation is the first concern; Belgium is threatened with an excessive deficit procedure by European authorities and updated forecasts from the Monitoring Committee indicate difficult decisions. If nothing changes, the public deficit could reach 6.5% of GDP at the end of the legislature.

However, Flemish socialists Vooruit and centrists CD&V and Les Engagés intend to preserve the health budget – one of the biggest sectors, on which N-VA want to make significant savings. Additionally, Belgium will also have to increase its defence spending to be in line with NATO requirements.

The discussions take place according to three formulas: thematic working groups, bilateral talks, and meetings of the central group which brings together the party leaders (as well as the outgoing Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon for the N-VA).

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Between 3 and 11 August, negotiators will hold a short summer break before continuing their meetings. In the run-up to September, pressure will start to build: as part of the looming excessive deficit procedure, Belgium must communicate to Europe a medium-term national budgetary plan by 20 September – the date by which De Wever wants to have formed the government.

The possibility of carrying out sanitation efforts over seven years rather than four years depends on this plan. However, an agreement on such a plan implies that the future Federal Government has already made very good progress in negotiating the coalition agreement, or has even completed it.

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