Federal Government formation: Prévot calls on parties to 'get over their taboos'

Federal Government formation: Prévot calls on parties to 'get over their taboos'
Credit: Belga

Leader of centrist Les Engagés, Maxime Prévot, has encouraged all parties involved in the ongoing Federal Government formation to overcome prejudice and embrace compromise.

Addressing a party event in Durbuy (Luxembourg province), he said, "all parties involved in current government negotiations are urged to get over their taboos to work towards a common solution. This is about enhancing the dignity of compromise, unafraid of reprimand." He added that he wants to "working on bringing people together."

On Friday, the King tasked the Francophone centrist with a mediation mission following the failure of the initial formation phase led by Flemish right-wing N-VA leader Bart De Wever.

Initial negotiations stalled over taxation, and in particular capital gains tax – a matter dear to Flemish socialists Vooruit but not to Francophone liberals MR. Relations are also strained between the leaders of both parties, Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) and Conner Rousseau (Vooruit). De Wever's failure to produce results has also caused tension.

Prévot must now reconcile the points of view of the five parties forming the Federal Government (N-VA, MR, Engagés, Vooruit and CD&V) and report back to the King on 2 September.

He will commence his duties on Monday, conducting bilateral meetings aimed at restoring a conducive atmosphere for negotiations and getting them back on track. "The time has come for us to spring into action," he stressed. "Our country cannot afford the luxury of a long standoff. Collectively, we are accountable."

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