Belgian far-right 'survivalist' prosecuted for terrorism

Belgian far-right 'survivalist' prosecuted for terrorism
A police van in Antwerp. Credit: Belga / Jonas Roosens

A 36-year-old man from Ghent, has been sentenced by the Antwerp Court of Appeal to five years in prison with a suspended sentence for being part of a terrorist group that planned to take up arms against the authorities.

Igor G., who is friends with 36-year-old Yannick V, was a part of a far-right survivalist cult that prepared for potential societal collapse by stockpiling food, fuel, and weapons.

The court determined that they harboured terrorist intentions and aimed to engage in an armed rebellion against the government.

Although the specific target or timing of the planned attack was unknown, they had collected a significant arsenal, seized during raids on 28 September 2022.

During a police operation at one of the member's home in Merksem, a shootout ensued which resulted in Yannick V.’s death.

The man denied that he wanted to overthrow society and that he had planned an attack. According to him, he was only preparing for the worst and wanted to be autonomous and able to defend himself, but there was no question of terrorism. This version did not convince the judges, either at first instance or on appeal.

In addition to the terrorism charges, the defendant had also been found guilty of incitement to discrimination.

On appeal, however, he was acquitted of condoning the genocide committed during the Second World War in online conversations. He therefore received a suspended sentence of five years' imprisonment for what exceeds the period of pre-trial detention. The thirty-year-old must also undergo psychological counselling and treat his alcohol addiction.

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