Ten ski centres were accessible in eastern Belgium on Saturday, primarily for cross-country skiing.
Visibility was severely limited in many areas of Belgium, yet several centres kept their door open, according to the snow report published online by the local tourism office.
At Signal de Botrange, there were still 15 centimetres of snow, allowing skiers to use all the slopes, though they were not groomed.
The tracks at Mont Spinette (4 and 11 km) were groomed, as were those at Losheimergraben (from 4 to 12 kilometres).
Rocherath, Baraque Michel, Manderfeld, Herzebösch, Ternell, and Weywertz also opened, along with the Ovifat domain where alpine skiing and sledging are possible.
In Luxembourg province, the Baraque de Fraiture also offers sledging opportunities.