The new Federal Government has slashed the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (UNIA) budget by 25%. The organisation says it is "outraged" by the decision.
UNIA is an independent interfederal public institution that combats discrimination and promotes equality.
The budget of the new Federal Government, which was sworn in on Monday, announced a 25% cut in funding for the agency.
The organisation has reacted with "dismay and indignation". "We are also shocked because this budget cut closes a chapter that emphasises the importance of the fight against discrimination and pushes for more equality and inclusion," it stated.
Funding more important than ever
UNIA points out that the decision may not be in line with an EU Directive on the standards for equality bodies. The directive emphasises the need to strengthen their mandate, powers, independence and financing.
"We strongly disagree with this decision and with any decision that weakens equality bodies, especially as the current socio-economic and geopolitical context only increases tensions, polarisation, discrimination and hate speech and crimes," it continued.
"We expect the new government, and certainly the new Minister for Equal Opportunities, to provide more explanation about the reasons and feasibility of such a brutal decision."
Rob Beenders (Vooruit) was sworn in as Minister for Consumer Affairs and Equal Opportunities. "I am determined to make this ministry a success," he stated. Beenders also acknowledged criticism about the fact that there are only four woman ministers in the new government while there are 11 men.
"I think this can and must be improved," Beenders commented.