Names of students involved in hazing death graffitied on wall in Ghent

Names of students involved in hazing death graffitied on wall in Ghent
Credit: Belga / Ine Gillis

The names of the Reuzegom student club members who were implicated in the death of Sanda Dia were graffitied on a well in Ghent's city centre on Friday.

Names of the implicated students were inscribed on the so-called “Graffiti Street," which is intended to host murals and wall art. However, local authorities decided to have the graffitied names removed, as well as the "Reuzegom killers" inscription erased.

The Mayor of Ghent Mathias De Clercq says he understands the indignation caused by the trial's outcome but he “subscribes to the rule of law,” which is why the names were removed. 

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These graffiti were the result of the outcry that followed last week's ruling, which saw all 18 members of the student club avoid prison over Dia's death. Instead, they were forced to pay a €400 fine and undergo 30 hours of community service.

Nonetheless, the negative actions towards the court ruling are continuing with multiple protests having taken or set to take place in Dia's memory.

Moreover, the 18 Reuzegom members also had their names leaked online by the popular Flemish YouTuber Acid who, in turn, was punished by having his account suspended by YouTube.

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