The Belgian Brewers’ Federation has come out in opposition to a complete ban on alcohol advertising, following a recommendation recently reiterated by the country’s Superior Health Council (SHC), which sees this as the “most effective way to mitigate alcohol-related harm”.
The Brewers' Federation responded, highlighting that Belgium’s brewing prowess rests upon a diversity of beers and brands. If the sector were to refrain from promoting its products, they warn that brewers would lose the “very foundation of Belgium’s unique beer culture”.
In partnership with the Advertising Ethics Jury, Belgian brewers have recently revised the mandatory educational message in alcohol advertisements. Hereafter, every advertisement will carry the message: "Alcohol abuse harms health", in line with the SHC’s 2018 guidance.
The SHC views the new legislation relating to alcohol sales in Belgium as too lenient. Among its key recommendations, it also advocates a minimum price per alcohol unit, specifically a base price for every 10 grams of ethanol contained in any alcohol sold commercially.
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But Belgium's brasseries argue that they’ve already suffered enough financial hardship through ongoing crises and inflation. According to their calculations, beer prices have increased by more than 10% over the past year. They fear that a further rise will directly impact consumers. By contrast, the SHC sees this as an opportunity to minimise the availability of cheap alcohol.
“We must strive to find a balance that allows people to savour a beer while curtailing excessive and irresponsible alcohol consumption,” concludes Krishan Maudgal, Director of Belgian Brewers.