Stricter measures for concrete blocks on roads in Brussels, says Flemish Liberal MP

Stricter measures for concrete blocks on roads in Brussels, says Flemish Liberal MP
Credit: Belga Hatim Kaghat

Over the past fifteen years, mobility has been boosted in Brussels with Brussels Mobility placing 2,838 concrete blocks on regional roads since 2016.

But not all politicians are happy with the blocks, making one liberal MP call for better coordination before they are placed.

"These arrangements are sometimes necessary, sometimes superfluous, but always ugly," lamented the Liberal MP David Weytsman.

"I fully subscribe to the need to better secure the cycle paths that line Brussels. Temporarily securing a route or a crossroads using temporary equipment is a good thing, but some stay in the same place for years."

Standardisation needed

Weytsman calls for a standardisation of blocks in terms of materials, colours and size, as he believes that they currently give the impression that we are in a combat or military zone.

He urges for their use to be coordinated between regional office and municipalities. Currently, blocks are placed temporarily and by either regional offices or municipalities, according to Greens Mobility Minister Elke Van Den Brandt.

For Weytsman, it is crucial that the pros and cons are weighed before installing a block, which should require an impact assessment of their placement, according to the liberal MP.

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