The Flemish Equestrian League (Vlaamse Liga Paardensport - VLP) will organise the first official championship hobbyhorse riding in Flanders in December.
The participants will have to dress up and follow an obstacle course with their hobbyhorse. They will be judged on the number of mistakes they make, the time they need to complete the course, originality and style, reports Het Nieuwsblad.
Participants will be divided into three categories: 'kids' between the ages of 5 and 10, 'jonkies' (youngsters) from 11 to 16, and 'profies' (professionals) from 17 to 79. The height of the obstacles will vary from 20 centimetres for the children, to 90 centimetres for the professionals.
"In Finland, Sweden and Germany, 'hobbyhorsing' has been popular for several years," said the VLP. "The sport is practised by thousands of teenagers. Flanders cannot stay behind, which is why we are organising an official hobby riding competition for the first time," the association added. The finals will take place during the Christmas Arena in the city of Mechelen, reports Het Laatste Nieuws.
"You have to bring your own hobbyhorse, which can be hand-made. The more creative, the more sporty," according to the VLP. "The stick must have a minimum length of 60 centimetres. The head must be 'equine'. If you do not have a hobbyhorse of your own, you can borrow one from the VLP, but you have to pay a deposit," they added.
Maïthé Chini
The Brussels Times