Belgium should present multi-year plan to Commission 'by the end of the year'

Belgium should present multi-year plan to Commission 'by the end of the year'
N-VA's Bart De Wever Looking at his watch. Credit: Belga/Jonas Roosens

The European Commission is in close discussions with Member States who have requested an extension for submitting their medium-term budgetary and structural plans beyond the 20 September deadline.

France is struggling to form a government and requested an extension earlier this week. Belgium is expected to make a similar request, as the formation talks have so far failed to deliver a new government.

Other countries might also request extensions but the Commission did not specify which ones, stating they require explicit consent before doing so.

The 20 September deadline requires each Member State to submit its “medium-term national plan”. This document outlines each state’s budgetary objectives for the coming years, prioritised reforms, and investment plans, based on new governance rules adopted recently.

The plans will be scrutinised, particularly for countries such as France, Belgium, and six others (Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Malta, and Romania). These countries are undergoing procedures for excessive public deficits.

The Commission has provided the countries with a “reference trajectory” to guide their plans. If they meet EU priorities, the period to achieve a sustainable debt reduction trajectory may be extended to seven years instead of four.

On Sunday evening, federal formator Bart De Wever (New Flemish Alliance - N-VA) indicated that the Commission is willing to wait until November.

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