Army unions don't want military deployed for guard duties: 'Not our job'

Army unions don't want military deployed for guard duties: 'Not our job'
Credit: Belga

Biggest military unions VSOA Defence and ACMP oppose deploying soldiers for static duties typically handled by the police.

This response came after Interior Minister Bernard Quintin (MR) suggested on VRT 1’s “De Zevende Dag” that soldiers could be used more frequently following recent shootings in Brussels.

Quintin mentioned he had discussed this with Defence Minister Theo Francken (N-VA), targeting duties such as guarding embassies or nuclear plants, to free up police officers for street patrols.

ACMP’s secretary-general, Yves Huwart, stated: “This is not our task. It’s too easy to resort to Defence for every incident. We need to focus on preparing for geopolitical challenges, not police tasks.”

Chris Huybrechts, VSOA Defence chairman, highlighted the lack of a legal framework and police authority for soldiers. Soldiers can be deployed for acute problems if the OCAD (Coordination unit for threat analysis) threat level increases, which is currently not the case.

The unions argue this is a cost-saving measure, as soldiers are paid for only 12 hours of work when deployed for 24 hours, unlike the police.

Both VSOA Defence and ACMP expect large military turnout on 13 February to protest against the De Wever government’s pension plans, despite Defence Minister Theo Francken (N-VA) revoking service exemptions for union action.

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