Royal Flemish Theatre’s coronavirus test events a success

Royal Flemish Theatre’s coronavirus test events a success
Photo from KVS

The results of the test events organised by the Royal Flemish Theatre (KVS) have been released and deemed a success, and now various stakeholders in the cultural sector are calling for a full reopening on 9 June.

The air quality in a half-filled theatre remains unchanged, the test event found, so all spectators can safely attend a performance.

According to the calculations of the KVS and its partners, the air quality in a fully occupied hall would not be affected either.

“The KVS is asking for a re-evaluation of the proposed reopening, so that from 9 June onwards the filled halls will be allowed for performing arts with a passive, seated audience,” said commercial director Merlijn Erbuer.

The show “Jonathan” was performed six times at the KVS between 28 April and 8 May, with an increasing number of spectators each time. Based on the results, the KVS rejects the claim that the audience of a theatre should be limited to reduce the risk of contamination.

The quality of the air in the theatre was measured by means of CO2, fine particles and relative humidity.

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The test events showed that the risk is insignificant if the premises are well ventilated, and these results would in theory also apply to a fully occupied hall.

On Wednesday 19 May, the KVS will present this data to the Culture Committee of the Flemish Parliament.

All spectators were tested before each performance and were given the opportunity to be tested again free of charge seven days after their attendance, by means of a PCR test carried out at one of the official test centres.

No infections were found.

The Brussels Times

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