
‘It’s just like in the movies’

When the first student athlete stepped on to the Upper Field of the International School of Brussels (ISB) back in 1972, they probably could never have imagined what Athletics at their school would look like in 50 years from that day. 

‘It’s just like in the movies’

Today, ISB Athletics has grown to become one of the largest and most respected programmes amongst international schools in Europe. If a stranger walked on to the Campus during their Homecoming event at the start of the school year, they would probably feel as though they had just stepped into a movie.

This special event celebrates the school spirit as the entire community comes together to cheer for ISB’s athletics teams. On that same Upper Field where the first game was played all those years ago, a sea of red begins to form as students, teachers, and employees gather in a magnificent display of school pride, while student artists also celebrate by sharing some of their incredible performances.

In many ways, Homecoming is the manifestation of everything the school creates for its student athletes throughout the entire year. This is why, when families visit the school and its facilities, they often comment that what they see is ‘just like in the movies.’ From its bustling gyms and courts, to the vibrant Lower and Upper fields where groups of ISB Raiders huddle together before an afternoon of practice… anyone will instantly feel as though they are about to witness something very special.

An environment of care

The school has some of the finest athletics facilities of any international school in Europe and they are a reflection of the care it puts into building that special experience for all of its students, providing them with the finest spaces and resources they need to grow.

The ISB campus boasts two magnificent turf fields for a variety of different sports, an athletics track, two indoor gyms, a fitness center, an indoor climbing wall and two tennis courts. Immersed in the beautiful Forêt de Soignes, its student athletes have a real outdoor athletics ‘playground’ where they can learn, play, train, and make use of some of the best forest trails in Belgium. Students also have access to state-of-the-art swimming facilities, thanks to their partnership with VUB university.

The school also broadcasts some of its games live from the Campus via its very own Raiders TV. As always, students take charge by supporting the broadcasting, camera work, overall production, and much more.

At ISB, athletics is not just about sports or competition - it’s about the experience of being a student athlete in all forms, and this experience is a product of everything the school has to offer - from the spaces and infrastructure, and all the care that is put into every detail, to those ‘human’ moments such as the companionship, the learning, and the laughs.

A holistic approach to athletics

One of the most unique aspects of the Athletics programme at ISB is that it truly is an extension of the classroom, helping to make students better athletes by supporting their development as individuals.

Students with a passion for sport are given lots of options both outside the classroom and within the curriculum, where they can choose from a number of sport-related pathways such as the IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science course, and the BTEC Sport programme, a vocational course that equips students with the skills and confidence they need to pursue a fulfilling career in the sports industry. In the Upper School, the Physical Education unit also involves studies in Nutrition and First Aid.

For those students with a vested interest in school culture and the growth of the program, ISB has a student-centered Athletics Council. Twelve student leaders are chosen to be part of the council for a one year appointment. They keep the department connected to the rest of the student body and take on roles that align with their interest and background, such as promotion through social media, Raiders TV technical crew, photography, and game management.

The Raiders Academy is another fantastic example of how ISB Athletics nurtures the whole student athlete, providing additional pathways for those who want to take their skills to the next level. The programme focuses on nutrition, strength and conditioning, time management and personal skills, helping young student athletes develop an understanding of themselves and their potential.

To support this holistic approach that the school values so deeply, most of its coaches are ISB teachers who have vast experience in the sports world, often on a national level. Their connection to the school means they take real pride in the Red uniform, and truly care about the development of student athletes both within the classroom and beyond.

A broad and diversified programme

When it comes to after-school activities and competitive teams, the school believes in a multi-development approach for each child, as students can try out a different sport each season. As well as helping them develop a broad base of important technical and personal skills, this type of approach also instills a sense of humbleness in young student-athletes, encouraging them to step outside their comfort zone, challenge themselves, and learn from one another.

ISB is the only school in Belgium offering American Football, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Baseball, Softball, and Volleyball for boys. Its broad-ranging programme offers 15 different sports, and there are 48 competitive teams to meet every need, passion and interest. More than 100 International Schools Sports Tournament (ISST) Championship titles have been won so far by ISB student athletes.

ISB has been a proud member of The International Schools Sports Tournament (ISST) since the early 1980s. Next year, this Varsity athletic organisation will have eight like-minded member schools who share the same spirit of respect and cooperation. In August of 2022, ISB also hosted the first ever coaches conference specifically aimed at international school coaches in Europe. They formed an alliance with five other schools who share the same desire to help coaches learn more about how they can make an impact on their players, teams, communities, and the world beyond.

The ISB community

ISB has been the home to many students from diverse cultures and backgrounds for over 70 years, and they are proud to have such a warm, inclusive and welcoming community of students, parents, teachers, staff and alumni. It is their dedication and commitment that makes the ISB what it is today.

As well as in the classroom, at the sports events there is a great community spirit and everyone is an ISB Raider, participating in the school’s pride and success. When games are happening on campus, parents and teachers volunteer at the outdoor food truck Raiders Café and organise food and drink stands during Homecoming and Spirit Day. They are always there to cheer the student athletes on during the games!

ISB is a private school founded in 1951 and it has welcomed students and families from Belgium and around the world since then. With over 1350 students from 70 countries, it is the diversity that sets it apart making it a wonderful home for all students and families.

Content provided by The International School of Brussels (ISB)

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