Railway unions announce series of strikes until July

Railway unions announce series of strikes until July
Credit: Belga / Ward Vandael

The joint trade union front ACOD Spoor and ACV-Transcom have planned a series of actions and strikes from March until July.

The two unions announced the series of strikes in a press release on Friday. The plan "to reinforce specific demands for the rail sector" comes after a meeting with the new Federal Mobility Minister Jean-Luc Crucke (Les Engagés) on Thursday.

The common trade union front has reiterated that it is determined to take action against the new Federal Government's policy. The unions supported the demonstration in Brussels on Thursday and will also participate in the general strike on 31 March.

More details on the other actions will soon be submitted to the authorities of the two unions for approval.

The unions emphasised that they are open to dialogue, and further meetings with Minister Crucke are planned. The rail unions also want to discuss the announced measures with Pensions Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA).

The social discontent among the rail unions is due in part to federal plans to raise the retirement age, the future of the status of rail staff, and the uncertain future of HR Rail, the legal employer of rail personnel.

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