Young people are making quicker decisions to buy property, according to a survey conducted by Axa among 1,000 young people (22-35 years old), carried out on the sidelines of the Batibouw trade fair.
For more than half of the young Belgians (53%) who bought a home during the pandemic, the search took less than three months, whereas this was the case for only 40% of buyers in the last five years (before Covid-19).
Younger buyers were also better prepared during the pandemic as 38% of them had already received a credit proposal before the purchase.
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Faster than before, young buyers were also more cautious as 64% of recent owners had included suspensive clauses in their contract with the seller, compared to only 46% before the corona crisis.
Finally, more than a third of young owners (36%) used a digital channel to negotiate their credit, compared to 24% before the corona period.
The Brussels Times