Belgium's governments approve new anti-smoking plan

Belgium's governments approve new anti-smoking plan
Credit: Belga

Belgium's federal government and federated entities agreed on Wednesday on an inter-federal plan against tobacco consumption which, although declining in Belgium, remains the cause of many deaths each year.

The plan aims to make smoking less attractive and less accessible.

The ban on smoking in certain public places will be extended from January 2025 to new outdoor public areas such as amusement parks, animal parks and playgrounds.

The aim is also to avoid the smoke curtain caused by smokers at the entrance to hospitals and schools. Smoking rooms will also disappear in the catering sector. At the same time, tobacco sales will be restricted.

Checks on the young and young-looking

In addition to the end of vending machines, which has already been voted in, the government wants to go even further by banning the sale of cigarettes in cafés and at festivals from January 2025.

The federal government has also reached an agreement to end the sale of tobacco in food shops larger than 400 m2 by 2028.

Checks on young people when they buy a packet of cigarettes will be stepped up. As soon as a person appears to be under 25 years of age, the vendor will have to check their identity.

Ban on public display of tobacco products

Where sales are permitted, however, tobacco products will no longer be allowed to be displayed in full view of consumers.

At the same time, the plan foresees several prevention measures, as well as initiatives to help smokers to switch from Nicotine weed.

The authorities will soon be examining the possibility of reimbursing nicotine replacement therapies.

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