Afsca issues corrected list of recalled eggs

Afsca issues corrected list of recalled eggs

Belgium’s Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain, Afsca, published on Wednesday a corrected version of a list containing the codes of eggs that are not to be consumed and which should be returned to the store, the Belgian news agency, Belga, reported. The publication of the list is linked to the risk of contamination of some batches of eggs with the pesticide Fipronil.

The original list, issued on Tuesday, comprised batches of eggs with the following code numbers: 2BE3084-2, 2BE3084-3, 2BE3084-6, 2BE3123-A, 2BE3123-B, 2BE3123-C, 3BE4004, 3BE4005, 1BE8016 and BE3114. However, in the last code on the list, the first number was missing. That number, ranging from 0 to 3, designates the way the eggs are produced – from 0 for eggs that come from organically raised hens to 3 for those from hens raised in cages or in battery farms.

The corrected list published on the Afsca’s Internet site is: 2BE3084-02, 2BE3084-03, 2BE3084-06, 2BE3123-A, 2BE3123-B, 2BE3123-C, 3BE4004, 3BE4005, 1BE8016 and 3BE3114.

Consumers with eggs bearing these codes are asked not to consume them but to take them back to the store.

A toll-free number, 0800/13.550, has been made available for consumers wishing to receive further information on the Fipronil scandal.

The Brussels Times

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