Government looks to clamp down on social dumping

Government looks to clamp down on social dumping
Credit: Canva

The Federal Minister for Social Affairs Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) wants social dumping – when employers use cheaper labour abroad rather than that which is directly available – to be included in the penal code to "allow for tougher penalties."

In a televised interview on the Flemish channel Canvas, Vandenbroucke expressed hope for better regulation of social dumping in Belgian social law. He added that the proposal would be discussed during upcoming budgetary discussions and expects it to come into effect towards the end of the year as the measure has widespread support in parliament.

Should Vandenbroucke's proposal enter into the penal code, tougher penalties will be applied to those who commit social dumping although employers will be given prior notification if they have employees working abroad.

This should prevent the use of fake A1 certificates, which are supposed to prove that employers respect the social security of their employees in their country of origin.

Furthermore, Vandenbroucke stated that cooperation between European inspection services should be strengthened.

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