Activists blockade arms companies OIP Sensor Systems and Thales

Activists blockade arms companies OIP Sensor Systems and Thales
The last time pro-Palestinian activists block the entrance of Belgian defence manufacturer OIP Sensor Systems, in Oudenaarde, Monday 11 December 2023. Credit: Belga / Jonas Roosens

In a globally coordinated effort, pro-Palestinian activists halted operations at OIP Sensor Systems in Oudenaarde and Thales in Herstal at 06:30 on Monday.

Approximately 70 participants in Oudenaarde in eastern Flanders chained themselves to the entrance of the industrial zone where OIP Sensor Systems is located. Several activists also occupied the building’s roof. Meanwhile, around 50 activists blocked the entrance and passage to Thales in Herstal.

The protesters are criticising these firms’ contributions to what they believe is an "Israeli apartheid" through their supply of arms and military technology which, they argue, enables the "siege of Gaza". They are calling for an immediate arms embargo.

The activists aim to cut off the stream of Western weapons that they argue fuel the ongoing conflict. In their view, eliminating this support could see Gaza bombardments cease within three days.

OIP Sensor Systems, the activists underline, is entirely owned by Elbit Systems, "Israel’s largest private manufacturer of weapons." Elbit notably provides a significant portion of the drones used in Israeli ground operations. The French defence equipment company, Thales, they also highlight, maintains business relationships with Israel.

Belgium is also blamed by the activists who claim the country and its governments hold a share in the responsibility. They express disappointment that, "Belgium cannot credibly call for a ceasefire while simultaneously supporting the Israeli military industry."

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