Interior Minister Bernard Quintin (MR) reiterated his support for municipalities in the local fight against crime during a workshop on Friday.
Quintin opened a workshop hosted by the Directorate for Integrity Evaluation for Public Authorities (DEIPP) on Friday.
The event is focusing on the administrative side to municipal responses to "destabilising crime". The Interior Ministry classifies this as illegal practices that are concealed by economic activities, undermining the rule of law and society as a result.
The workshop will focus on evaluating a law in the government agreement that grants additional powers to mayors to combat "destabilising" crime.
"Administrative measures complement the work of the police, inspection services and the justice system," said Quintin.
"We therefore want to give local authorities, who know the specific realities of each municipality better than anyone, the tools and confidence they need to effectively combat organised crime. This will better protect the social, economic and political fabric of our towns and villages."
The DEIPP will give an opinion of the law before the end of the year.