Francophone governments are formed: MR and Les Engagés reach agreement

Francophone governments are formed: MR and Les Engagés reach agreement
MR leader Georges-Louis Bouchez and Les Engagés' leader Maxime Prévot. Credit: Belga/Eric Lalmand

Just over a month after the elections, both governments in Francophone Belgium have been formed: liberal MR and centrist Les Engagés have reached agreements on a new government for the Walloon Region and the French-speaking Community.

The speed of the formation reflects the intention of both party leaders – Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) and Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) – who want to get to work as fast as possible. Barely two days after the elections, they already announced their intention to govern together in Wallonia.

“Exactly one month later (after the elections), our goal has been achieved with unprecedented speed. We present a bold agreement that will give new impetus to the two governments," said Bouchez and Prévot in a joint press statement. "We will implement priority reforms for the socio-economic recovery to benefit of all citizens and future generations."

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This means the French-speaking governments are ready before the Federal Government, Flanders and Brussels. At the federal and the Flemish levels, negotiations have started and 'formator' Bart De Wever has indicated that the aim is to reach an agreement before 20 September. In Brussels, the situation remains complicated, as negotiations have not yet begun and no deadline has been announced.

This is only the third time that the Walloon Region and the French-speaking Community (Wallonia-Brussels Federation) have reached an agreement before Flanders.

More details will become clear at 16:00 when Bouchez and Prévot will present the coalition agreement at a press conference in Namur.

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