Coronavirus: two more repatriated to Belgium and placed in quarantine

Coronavirus: two more repatriated to Belgium and placed in quarantine
Credit: Belga

Two people living in Belgium who were still in China were returned home on Sunday, and have been placed in quarantine, according to local media.

They were taken to the military hospital in Neder-over-Heembeek, where people from the country affected by the new coronavirus epidemic are being quarantined. Both returned to Europe on a British flight, which stopped over in Germany and the Netherlands.

The British authorities have organised the repatriation of their nationals and have offered places to citizens of European Member States.

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"Two people living in Belgium have informed the FPS Foreign Affairs that they would like to take advantage of this opportunity to leave China," said the FPS Public Health. "The return flight and transport were organised by our Ministry of Defence, in collaboration with English, German and Dutch colleagues," the FPS said, adding that everything was done "under the supervision of medical staff".

As during the last repatriation, the citizens were transported to the military hospital of Neder-over-Heembeek, where the first eight Belgians who came back from China are still staying (the 9th being hospitalised at St. Peter's Hospital).

They are placed in strict quarantine, in a separate section from the first group. One of them is Belgian, the other is a European national living in Belgium. Neither of them shows any symptoms. The KULeuven reference laboratory will carry out tests to exclude any risk.

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