Belgium in Brief: Time for a mask upgrade?

Belgium in Brief: Time for a mask upgrade?

Masks have become part of our daily outfit, almost as indispensable as socks. In the first months of the pandemic, we all had those moments of closing the door behind us only to rush back in to grab one. Now, they have found their way into coat pockets, handbags, and glove boxes.

And with good reason: doing anything in public – be it popping into a shop or catching the bus – is nigh-on impossible without a fabric square covering mouth and nose. No matter the country, the global consensus goes that masks are one of the most effective measures to stop the spread of Covid. Or so it seemed...

Perhaps unsurprisingly, all masks are not equal and some are far more effective at filtering the air we breathe. More and more, medical advice is that FFP2 masks should be the go-to accessory in the ever-raging corona-wars.

Now whilst many of us have become quite attached to our cloth coverings, your previous correspondent had a particular penchant for his Batman mask, the evidence in favour of these medical-grade super-masks is quite convincing:

Surgical masks – those blue ones bought in bulk (and that have sadly become an environmental menace) – are calculated to be 100 times less effective than the FFP2 masks. Given the highly infectious nature of the latest Omicron variant, this is a pretty persuasive argument for upgrading your face-wear.

Will you be making the switch? Let @OrlandoWhitehe6 know.

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